have gained our experience along with the implementation and maintenance
stages of the discrete (manufacturing) and continuous (process) production
projects. Our specialists were successful in these cases and customers
benefited from the business process re-engineering impact to the sites
during and after ERP roll out.
Discrete manufacturing production is being represented by
the metal products company,
where the full scope of the Make-to Order manufacturing processes were implemented.
The precise ERP-system manufacturing model had dramatically increased the power
of the enterprise, experiencing dramatic growth of the customer's orders.
This project was intensively
supported by
the customer.

Our continuous production case is a
holding company with a set of chemical plants processing shale-oil ore and
derivative products using varieties of the chemical
technologies. The company's processes contain main and Co-By-products in the recurrent cycles. During this ERP project
the complex process technology model was implemented to give
the possibility of the effective control and multi-level cost price analysis.
"The subject of our
special attention during implementation process always was the
product cost models, where the primary costs of all produced items could
be disclosed in terms of cost price
components. This is a basement of the cost price analysis in managerial
accounting. Both projects were implemented with Finance
functionality, securing full integrity of the enterprise model having direct
tires with Manufacturing and Distribution (Sales,
Purchase, warehouse) functions..."
Igor Skachko, Silco Systems, CEO.